Department of Employment Relations and Human Resource Management
University of Lagos
Department of Employment Relations and Human Resource Management
University of Lagos
Department of Employment Relations and Human Resource Management
University of Lagos
The nature of the wage rate system in Nigeria seems to be a major factor contributing to the migration of
skilled and unskilled labour in Nigeria. Therefore, this study examined government wage policy as a key
factor causing migration of skilled workers. The study adopted conceptual and theoretical analysis to
explain the effect of poor wages on the migratory intention and brain drain in the country. This study
classified migration theory into; the Classical Theory of Migration, the Neo-Classical Theory of
Migration, and the New Modern Theory of Migration. The study make used of secondary data to explain
the influence of government wage policy on international migration of skilled workers in Nigeria. The
reviewed of previous studies in this area of knowledge revealed poor remuneration as a key motivator for
the emigration of skilled workers in Nigeria. Therefore, this study concluded that poor pay is a key
motivator for workers’ migrations. The uncompetitive wages in the health and education sectors proved
the reality with the current wave of medical doctors leaving the country for other parts of the world. This
study recommends that government should restructure the wage determination machinery, process, and
policy to embrace global best practices and changes in economic conditions.
Keywords: Brain drain, International Migration, Skilled workers, Wage determination, Government
wage policy