OLUSEGUN Emmanuel Adeokun
Department of Business Administration
Oduduwa University ipetumodu Osun State
08037968565, 09056782363
The rate at which information communication technology is applied to business in the twenty 21st
century has become great; this gave rise to online shopping in the retail sector of business. Online
shopping among undergraduates of university has become common and usual phenomenon which
significantly brings about satisfaction to buyer and retailer. This study focused on online shopping
factors and consumer buying behavior of undergraduate students in Osun state. Target population of
this study is undergraduates of Obafemi Awolowo University, Osun state Nigeria. A sample size of
eighty three was adopted using Mugenda and Mugenda sampling formula. Simple random sampling
was used. All distributed questionnaires were filed and returned for the data analysis. Descriptive
statistics and Regression analysis were used to analyze the data as well as hypotheses testing. The
result of the research showed that positive significant relationship exists between online shopping
factors and consumer buying behavior. It was also discovered that undergraduates’ online shopping
behaviour is significantly influenced by online shopping factors. The study therefore recommended
that online retailers should conduct seminars and public sensitization and/or campaign on the
advantages of online shopping in Nigeria. They should also ensure a provision of more and better
services capable of meeting consumers taste and preferences as it plays a pivotal role in influencing
buying behaviour. It was also recommended that technological infrastructures that can help or
enhance online shopping should be provided by government in Nigeria.
Keywords: online shopping, consumers’ behavior, online shopping factors, undergraduate students,
buying behaviour.