DR. AMADI Ovunda Gideon
Department of Business Administration,
Faculty of Administration and Management,
Rivers State University, Port Harcourt.
DR. AGBO Joseph Ubolikeme
Department of Employment Relation and Human Resource Management
Faculty of Administration and Management
Rivers State University, Port Harcourt.
CHIGBU Ikechukwu Elias
Department of Employment Relation and Human Resource Management,
Faculty of Administration and Management,
Rivers State University, Port Harcourt.
This study examined the relationship between workplace learning and employee burnout. The study
examined ten foods and beverages manufacturing companies, and a population and sample size of three
hundred (300) was obtained through purposive sampling technique. The Pearson product moment
correlation was employed as the analytical tool in testing the formulated hypotheses. The study revealed
that workplace learning correlates significantly and negatively to emotional exhaustion,
depersonalization, reduced personal accomplishment and physical burnout. Following these findings, the
study concluded that workplace learning negatively and significantly correlates employee burnout as
demonstrated in foods and beverages manufacturing companies in Rivers State. The study recommended
that, foods and beverages manufacturing companies in Rivers State should improve employees’ skills
through the conduction of effective training needs assessment and analyze skills gaps so as to set clear
goals and align them with business strategy as these will decrease employees’ burnout.
Keywords: Depersonalization, emotional exhaustion, employee burnout, physical burnout, reduced
personal accomplishment, and workplace learning.