OKPARA, Ngozi Adaugo
Department Of Employment Relation and Human Resource Management,
Faculty of Administration and Management,
Rivers State University, Port Harcourt.
ISAAC, Zeb-Obipi
Department Of Employment Relation and Human Resource Management,
Faculty of Administration and Management,
Rivers State University, Port Harcourt.
The study investigated the relationship between employee recharge and performance of multinational oil
and gas companies in south-south, Nigeria. The adopted correlational research designs. Both primary and
secondary methods of data collection were employed to obtain relevant data for analysis. The instrument
for primary data collection was a structured questionnaire, and its reliability was ascertained through
Cronbach‟s Alpha reliability Coefficient with a threshold of 0.70. The study population comprised of
13,717 employees of multinational oil and gas companies located within south-south, Nigeria from which
a sample size of 375 was determined using the Krejcie and Morgan‟s (1970) table on sample size
determination. Pearson‟s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient statistical tool was used to test the two
alternate hypotheses through the statistical package for social science version 26.0. The study findings
revealed that employee recharge significantly contributes towards the outcome of employee performance
in multinational oil and gas companies in south-south, Nigeria. The study thus concludes that employee
recharge contribute toward the improved physical health of the worker and that way enhances their task,
contextual and adaptive performance within the context of multinational oil and gas companies in SouthSouth, Nigeria. Therefore, we recommend that management of multinational oil and gas companies in
south-south, Nigeria should emphasize on the goal of ensuring employee recharge through the adequacy
of variety and options and as such, provide for improved outcomes of employee health and wellbeing
within the context of the organization; thus, enabling them some form of renewed vigour and energy
toward the performance.
Keywords: Recharge, performance, contextual, task, adaptive, employees, organisation.