Analysis of oil revenue and the Nigerian capital market: A vector autoregression approach. Babarinde, G. F., Suleiman, M. B., & Abdulmajeed, T. I.

ABSTRACT It is expected that revenue generated by the government should be used to grow both the real and financial sectors of the economy. The extent to which capital market as an engine room for capital formation and economic growth, is impacted by government oil revenue is a subject worthy of consideration especially in an … Read more Analysis of oil revenue and the Nigerian capital market: A vector autoregression approach. Babarinde, G. F., Suleiman, M. B., & Abdulmajeed, T. I.

Service capacity utilization and competitive advantage of private medical service providers in Rivers State. Harcourt, H.

ABSTRACT This study examined the connection between service capacity utilization and competitive advantage of private medical service providers in the Rivers State. The survey research method was espoused for the study on a population encompassing one hundred and seventy private medical service providers. The Taro Yamane’s formula was used to arrive at one hundred and … Read more Service capacity utilization and competitive advantage of private medical service providers in Rivers State. Harcourt, H.

The role of professional ethics in accounting and audit. Ango, N. A

Ethics is a comprehensive issue covering all aspects of life. Accounting includes accounting services and is one of the jobs based on discipline. The profession is associated with issues of property and assets of people in the society. Ethical principles or ethics comprise sets of spiritual values and principles. All individuals have such set of … Read more The role of professional ethics in accounting and audit. Ango, N. A

Supply network design decisions and service quality: Insights from paint manufacturing firms. Nwulu, C.S., & Nadube, P. M.

ABSTRACT This study examined the connection between supply network design decisions and service quality of paint manufacturing firms in Rivers State. The study adopted a correlational research design and collected primary data via cross-sectional survey, using structured questionnaire. The Pearson Product Moment correlation served as the test statistic, relying on the statistical package for social … Read more Supply network design decisions and service quality: Insights from paint manufacturing firms. Nwulu, C.S., & Nadube, P. M.

Unemployment in Nigeria and government’s response to youth empowerment: 2015 – 2020. Richard, P. C.

ABSTRACT This paper looked at unemployment in Nigeria vis-à-vis government’s response to youth empowerment between 2015 and 2020.  It relied on secondary data retrieved from online academic publications and other relevant online documents as well as the author’s view for informed analysis and as a basis for evaluation. The paper observed that the prevailing security … Read more Unemployment in Nigeria and government’s response to youth empowerment: 2015 – 2020. Richard, P. C.

Information technology application and effective tax administration in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Ihenyen, C. J.,Buseri, T., & Okoro, O. L.

ABSTRACT The study examined Information Technology (IT) application and effective tax administration in Bayelsa State Board of Internal Revenue, Yenagoa, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive research design. A total of 70 tax officers were surveyed using an online questionnaire, but only 65 representing 93% of them responded. Data were analyzed with frequency counts, and … Read more Information technology application and effective tax administration in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Ihenyen, C. J.,Buseri, T., & Okoro, O. L.

Effect of incentives on workers’ productivity in Seven-Up Bottling Company, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Ajagbe, F. A., Adegbite, D. O., & Abiodun, J. A.

ABSTRACT This study determined the effect of incentives on workers’ productivity in Seven-up Bottling Company, Ibadan, Nigeria. The study utilized a structured questionnaire to collect primary data. The stratified random sampling technique was used to draw 110 sample elements from the surveyed population. The analysis of data was done using descriptive and inferential statistics. Specifically, … Read more Effect of incentives on workers’ productivity in Seven-Up Bottling Company, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Ajagbe, F. A., Adegbite, D. O., & Abiodun, J. A.

Mobile and wireless technology: A catalyst for growth of small businesses. Ikoromasoma, E., & Agwuma, P. O.

ABSTRACT This paper explored the role of mobile and wireless technology in growth of small businesses. The paper through extensive review of literature identify that mobile and wireless technology influences innovation and service quality, which are prime metrics of growth of small businesses. The paper concluded that, mobile and wireless technology enables, enhances, or promotes … Read more Mobile and wireless technology: A catalyst for growth of small businesses. Ikoromasoma, E., & Agwuma, P. O.

Audit committee attributes, international financial reporting (IFRS) adoption and audit report lag among Nigerian listed firms. Ologun, V. O.

ABSTRACT This study is a comparative study of the pre- and post-IFRS periods, necessitated by the need to ensure timely arrival of financial reports to users despite the more-information disclosure demand of IFRS and an effective audit committee compliance demand of corporate governance for companies. The study employed ex-post facto research design and utilizes a … Read more Audit committee attributes, international financial reporting (IFRS) adoption and audit report lag among Nigerian listed firms. Ologun, V. O.

Cash positioning and financial performance of telecommunication firms in Nigeria. Olulu-Briggs, O. V., & Wobo, H. O.

This study examined the influence of cash positioning on performance of telecommunication firms in Nigerian. The study relied on secondary data sourced from the financial statements of four telecommunication firms from 2010 to 2020. A total 44 observations were made. The study employed unit root to test for variable stationarity, the Hausman test to check … Read more Cash positioning and financial performance of telecommunication firms in Nigeria. Olulu-Briggs, O. V., & Wobo, H. O.